Tennis to resume under Covid19 Guidelines

Thank you for your patience during this pandemic – while we are all keen to get back on court, our top priority has always been the health and safety of all of players and spectators. With the easing of restrictions in NSW, tennis in Glen Innes is expected to get back to something like normal very soon – as always, please see the Facebook page and news posts here for up to date information.

  • Tuesday morning social tennis resumed on the 9th June.
  • Court hire is now available again as of the 21st September.
  • Competitions are expected to resume on the 12th October

Please read below an update of the club’s Covid-19 guidelines. We ask all players and members to adhere to the guidelines.

Click here to download Glen Innes Covid 19 PROTOCOLS for TENNIS RESUMPTION (1/6/20)
Click here to download the TENNIS NSW-Covid19-Community-Tennis-Guidelines (1/6/20)

Having regard to the recommendations from Tennis NSW COVID-19 Community Tennis Guidelines effective from 1st June the following guidelines will apply to resumption of tennis at the Glen Innes Tennis Club. Tennis NSW advises we must all take personal responsibility to minimise the potential of COVID-19. This means we must each abide by the guidelines below or the Club will be forced to close the courts again.

  • A) .Who can play?:
    Stay at home if you:
  • Have been in contact with someone with COVID-19 in the last 14 day
  • Have been overseas in the last 14 days
  • Have any flu like symptoms
    If you are in a high risk health category (e.g. persons with weakened immune system or persons with diagnosed chronic medical conditions such as lung conditions and kidney failure)
    In addition:
    Any persons aged over 70 (over 60 for people with pre-existing medical conditions or over 50 for Aboriginal or Torres Strait islander people with pre-existing medical conditions) are advised against playing if concerned for their safety.
    Very young children (under 5) must not attend the courts
  • B) Social Distancing:
    Tennis holds a unique advantage as a sport which requires no direct contact between players. You can also:
    Touch racquets instead of the regular pre or post match handshakes
    Keep 1.5 metres away from other people while watching or attending an outdoors tennis activity.

    C) Player / Community Protection Behaviours :
    To protect against infection, all players are required to
    Wash/sterilise your hands before and after you play and avoid touching your face while playing
    Not share water bottles and bring your own full bottle
    Wash your hands frequently with soap and water or hand-sanitiser when available, before and after eating, after going to the toilet, sneezing and coughing
    Cover your coughs and sneezes and dispose of any used tissue immediately
    Avoid touching your face
    Keep your distance from people who are obviously sick
    Be aware of what surfaces you touch.

    The club house will be available to players for the use of the toilet facilities only.  At this stage, updated recommendations from Tennis NSW indicates that the clubhouse can be open but strict social distancing and personal hygiene must be maintained so please keep this in mind when attending tennis.
  • Session Convenor: Each session will continue to operate under the guidance of a convenor who will oversee the recording of names and telephone numbers on the sign on sheet on arrival collection of money and organise assistance from players to keep the area clean and safe. Hand sanitiser, soap,
    water, gloves and cloths/wipes will be provided.
    The recommendation of Tennis NSW is that players should be in play where possible and when finished playing for the day, leave immediately, rather than mingling socially.
  • The Club is permitted to utilise all available courts to the extent of four players per court so, attendance numbers will not need to be restricted.
    Use of balls: Eight (8) balls will be marked and allocated to each court. (Two balls per player). Each player only touches their allocated and marked balls when serving. Balls are returned when required to server by use of racquet only. At the end of each day’s session, the balls are collected, sanitised and
    kept in a container marked with that particular day. e.g. Tuesday Social Tennis.
    Registration of all players on arrival:
    On arrival, players must register their name on a list with the convenor which will also record telephone numbers as well as date and time of playing session (for the purposes of tracing should that be required). By having their name recorded on the register, players are also agreeing to abide by all the guidelines put in place by the Club.
    Fee Payment: The exact money must be placed in the receptacle provided. No change will be given.
    Playing Format: Playing format will be determined by the convenor for each cohort of players so as to minimise the off-court numbers; two or three spare players can play singles, have a hit or play cutthroat.
    Off-court players: Players not on court must stay 1.5 metres apart and adhere to the current social distancing recommendations.
    Cleaning: The Convenor from each Session will set up a weekly roster of two people to carry out cleaning duties for that Session. This includes making sure all surfaces, door handles and the toilet facilities are cleaned at the end of the Session. A sign-off sheet showing the time and day that cleaning
    was undertaken must be completed.
    Everyone who wants to play will have to take their turn to clean up after the session. Everyone’s help will be appreciated.
    Coaching sessions will be the responsibility of the coach.
    All of the above guidelines will be adhered to.
    Attendance and contact details of coaching clients will be recorded on coach’s phone